

Hello, this is GM-Exia.

Our server is a custom classic essence server. This is a version that rebalances overall classes, implements new skills, and fixes various errors and bugs. It pursues profitable farming through monsters in high-level hunting grounds and renewal of raid stats and drops.

If you are new to the game, please be sure to read the server strategy guide and update bulletin board. For any in-game related inquiries, please DM me or ask existing users.

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Exia Server creates the overall balance and content of the game through communication with users, and creates a system that reflects users' difficulties and problems as much as possible through quick feedback. 

  Thank you.

Custom operation of unrealized skills

Exia Server is a server that handles the latest packs.

Build a custom DB for skills, items, and monsters that have not yet

been implemented on the free server.

Customized maps and hunting grounds

We are introducing a new world and custom hunting grounds by

rebuilding the numerous fields and monster 

databases that exist within the world. ​ 

Various balance rebalancing

We strive to create a server that does not abandon any class

modifying the abilities of items / skills that destroy the compatibility

or balance between classes.

we are working hard


We hope that users will create their own manners and rules.

Servers are created by users.

24/7 Support

Exia server operators always listen to what users say. Please report bugs and errors through Discord, and inquiries regarding balance are always welcome.

100% Satisfaction

Exia server operators do not intervene in disputes between users. 

Operators check and correct only system-related difficulties.

The days we spent together
Maximum number of users connected to the server
Server average number of users connected


노력하면 강해질 수 있는 서버!!

서버에 대한 운영자의 마음이 느껴지는 서버!!

친화적인 서버 !! 

그리고 편의성 !!

제목 없음-2
용아더 Grandmaster 혈원

제가 여기 저기 프리서버는 생각보다 많이 돌아다녀 봤는데요. 이 정도로 유저와 소통 많이하면서 오류나 버그 피드백을 바로바로 수정 해주시는 영자님은 첨뵙네요. 덕분에 겜 열심히 하면서 혈원들과 재밌게 즐기고 있어요.항상 화이팅입니다.! 오래오래 서버 유지해주세요~

제목 없음-3
난주 Grandmaster 군주

생각보다 과금러와 무과금러가 같이 즐길 수 있는 서버인 것 같습니다.

게임의 컨텐츠를 잘 이용하고 이해도가 높다면 빠르게 성장할 수 있는 그런 서버입니다.   컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 한참 게임을 하다보면 시간가는 줄 모르고 오래 게임하게 하는(?) 그런 마성적인 서버입니다. 재밌습니다! 

제목 없음-1
니르 Imperial 군주